1. Take Seva for a car ride downtown with lots of traffic and people to watch.
2. Visit the Sculpture Garden at the Walker Art Center. (Don’t let the snow fool you, this is April 19th!)
The constant hum of traffic from 394 and I94 bothered Seva and made it hard for her to focus. We had fun anyway, and then saw a big fish.
3. Do some super public training! The mental stimulation helps to tire the dogs, though it’s obviously not the same as physical work.
4. Take Seva on a 3 mile walk on the Southwest Corridor trail.
5. While on the walk, allow her to do 5 full-speed sprints.
I had just jogged down the trail, so I sound a bit out of breath. Seva broke away from Scott–you just can’t contain that enthusiasm–right before I hit record.
And then, after packing all that into a puppy’s day, she might take a nap!