Connect with Alida

Writing workshops, online school, podcast, & more









Did you know…?

Alida is more than an author.

Alida is also a developmental editor, writing coach, teacher, and podcaster.

Story is a lifelong passion of mine. No matter what else I’m doing (kayaking, cycling, being walked by my dog, sitting on my deck watching the birds while pretending to work – thank goodness for laptops!), I am consuming, creating, or crafting story.


When I’m not writing my own tales, I’m editing or coaching other writers. I have an online school for writing fiction and I teach live workshops. I have been a mentor and instructor for the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop, a member of the Professional Editors Network, Women Fiction Writers Association, and more. I love talking story craft with my friends and co-hosts on the Story Works Round Table.


My newsletter, A Room Full of Books & Pencils, is a special place for reflections on my life, writing, and the writing life.

Get to know Alida, join her newsletter, A Room Full of Books & Pencils, learn and work with her. Links below.

Writing Coach | Podcast | Newsletter | Writing School | Craft Books

woman writing on paper inside well-lit room

Word Essential Editing & Coaching

For fiction and CNF authors.

Story Works Round Table

A podcast about storycraft.

A Room Full of Books & Pencils

Ruminations and more.

Story Works Fiction School

An online school.

Check out more of my writing at A Room Full of Books & Pencils.


Read. Connect. Share.



Thank you! Grab your books & pencils and sit with me for a spell.